Sunday, May 27, 2012

John Legend!!!

Last night John Legend came to the Expo!!!!!! Why John Legend, of all people? I still have no clue but the concert was great! John Legend is an artist that both me and my mom enjoy. I got off of work at 3pm with the plan to get there asap and get good seats. I didn't get their until 4:30pm yet the whole place was nearly packed! I had nooooooo idea that John Legend's popularity was so huge in Korea.

Hope you don't have to go to the bathroom... this is only 1/3 of the crowd
We got really close but we had to sit on the ground. Thanks to my 24x super zoom camera I was able to get some good pictures and videos! During the 3 hour wait we took some power naps and made friends with the people around us. A really nice 이모 (Aunt) shared her kimbap with us. After hours of waiting and discomfort the concert finally began!! John Legend rolled up to the stage in his car and when he got out tons of girls were screaming their heads off... one of those girls may or may not have been me. The concert was only an hour  long but he sang a bunch of songs (many I'm embarrassed to say I didn't recognize). BUT he did sing my two favorite songs: Green Light and Ordinary People. What was annoying was when he was playing there was so much talking happening and even verbal fights in the crowd. Later I asked an 오빠 (older brother) who also went to the concert how big Legend's popularity was in Korea. Apparently its not HUGE. He's known but not like American pop artists. I found out the majority of the people who came had no idea who John Legend was.  Annoying? Yes. But I had an awesome time with Chelsea who is a huge fan of JL. I can't wait to go to more concerts!

Super zoom camera is awesome!!!!!


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